Access Goal Setting Hacks That Work & Understand Why
Another new year and you started it excited and with all good intentions to make this one really count (again). How’s that working out for you so far?

In this new free series, you will attain all the knowledge and tools you need to ensure that in 2023 you do things differently and are able to successfully identify your personal goals (they may be different than you think right now or, you may not even know what they are), and to learn the two absolutely crucial components you need to address without which you will set yourself up for failure (again). We’ll work through our goal setting together and keep each other accountable. If you’re done with failed resolutions and ready to be empowered to succeed, join me on this journey to success.
You'll be empowered with insights verified by science why we so often fail in our goal-setting and goal-achieving intentions and how to not repeat the same flawed approach most of us subscribe to.
You'll learn a scientifically proven method that will empower you to change your approach to goal-setting that will make so much sense, that you'll know that THIS TIME you're going to kick ass. This method is super easy to understand, but it will take a bit of effort on your part. However, I will break this journey in goal-setting and achieving success down into small, achievable steps, so don't be scared. I'll even teach you some easy, yet incredibly powerful relaxation and centering techniques that will help you to calm your monkey-mind to better focus.
You’ll be able to study and participate in exercises in your own time, with access to buddy up with like-minded and like-hearted people via our new EMPOWERED TRIBE WhatsApp Group and opportunities to join Group Meetings/Discussions on Zoom from time to time. If you like, we can also create a dedicated Facebook Group Page.
To express your interest and receive all steps and tools directly into your inbox, please join our EMPOWERED TRIBE for free HERE
Before we begin with this new series, I’d like you to prepare a little by getting yourself a dedicated Notebook. Use it to take notes, jot down empowering take-aways, and to participate in the exercises. Then please start with this exercise.
Reflect & Project.
Take some time to fast play back in your mind, as if watching a movie. Slow down the speed whenever you feel you're getting emotional about a scene, in a good or not so good way. Don't worry, you're not reliving any of it (it's all in the past) but merely observing and learning from those scenes that have you pause to take a closer look.
I'd like you to tune into yourself when looking at those scenes of your past year and reflect on
· Any thing, event, experience or person that you FEEL grateful for.
Close your eyes and take a moment to BE and FEEL thankful.
FEEL the energy, the love and power of feeling blessed.
· Also look at any event, experience or person that challenged you, that you learned from, and maybe resulted in making you FEEL stronger and more resilient, and made you realise how capable and accomplished you are. Allow yourself to be mindful of how the experience or that person helped you to grow and how that made you FEEL about yourself.
Allow yourself to FEEL proud of yourself for not only surviving, but thriving because of those challenges.
Take a moment to be grateful for the challenges that afforded you the opportunity to see more clearly, make difficult decisions, to feel uncomfortable yet move through your fears, and made you grow as a person and as a soul.
FEEL the energy and power of your accomplishments.
· Then being aware of those feelings of gratitude, of feeling blessed and feeling proud of yourself; of feeling accomplished despite (or because) of the trials the past year put you through, I want you to realise what a courageous, capable, lovable, and worthy person you are; that you are enough, and always will be. YOU MATTER!
· And knowing this, FEELINGi it, I'd like you to project this feeling into the future; into tomorrow, into every day when you wake up, You ARE the CREATOR of your FUTURE. So, know it as you FEEL it, FEEL it as you know it, that you can do anything, be who you want to be, and that 2023 will be a new fabulous and exciting chapter for you. You will write it and make it so. And always remember, every great story, every exciting movie also has villains and challenges, scary and sad moments, but the hero always prevails, because heroes always believe in themselves, and choose to face the demons. They choose to stand in their power, despite the danger.
YOU are the Hero in your exciting story!
3 Things and/or people you are grateful for and why
One challenging situation or person that, in hindsight now, you can see helped you to learn something ... about life or about yourself; that contributed to your growth somehow.
What you are FEELING when you think about those things/people.
The Synopsis (a couple of paragraphs) of your new life chapter - what the story is about. Use your imagination, be descriptive and emotive -make it exciting. Remember, YOU are the hero in this story.
Visualise this new chapter like a 2023 series on Netflix. See yourself in this story. Now write down how the successful, resilient, empowered You is FEELING. How does this character FEEL different to the YOU of 2022?
3 steps (as small or big as you like, as long as you believe them to be achievable) that will start you on your journey and move you forward to your 2023 goals and dreams. And no, getting out of bed doesn't count :-)
Have fun!
And guess what? If you've participated in this exercise, congratulations!
Probably without even realising, you've already achieved a 2023 goal!
You've practiced self-care by investing time in yourself, practicing mindfulness by being present and focused, and you practiced gratitude.
By doing this exercise, you have in fact contributed to your mental and physical well-being.
You've released happy hormones and have boosted your immune system!
And, you've proven to yourself that you are worth the effort; that you matter!

So now, if you’re ready for the next step - truly done with making excuses - finished telling yourself that you don’t have the time, resources, energy (or whatever) - if you’re ready to CHOOSE to be the master of your mind and destiny and the creator of your reality, then become a member of our EMPOWERED TRIBE right now and watch your inbox for the first instalment of the empowering Goal Setting series.
Once you've joined our Empowered Tribe and have completed the above exercise, you might like to scan or photograph your notebook pages and share them with me. Send them to me at or add me to your contacts to use WhatsApp +61412583662
All information is, of course, completely confidential. It will, however, help me to personalise your experience.